Welcome to Hempsted C. of E. Primary School


Our school lies in the village of Hempsted,  about 2½km from Gloucester city centre, but isolated from the main urban area by the Gloucester canal. The village of Hempsted has grown dramatically in the last 20 years, but the location of the school on the edge of the countryside means that the school still retains a ‘rural’ feel.

We are one of the smallest schools in the City of Gloucester, with a welcoming, family atmosphere, yet aiming to give our children the facilities and opportunities that are normally only on offer at a larger school. Our active parents’ association and close links with St. Swithuns Church keep the school at the heart of the community.



Class Gallery

Busy, busy, busy!
Class 3
Class Three were transported to South America for a workshop, led by David Walter from Olá Samba.
Class 6
We took part in a ‘mock trial’.
Class 2
Take a look at our STEM week bridge-building challenge!
Class 4
G’day folks!  Class 4 celebrated Australia Day.
Class 1
Check out our messy maps of the classroom!
Class 5
We visited SkillZONE.

School Payments

Our Partnership

Home Learning

Internet Safety